Business establishment introduction
- Head office
- ADD 28, Dongtancheomdansaneop 1-ro, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do,
Republic of Korea
- TEL 031-377-8200
- FAX 070-4818-6691
location check

- China branch
- ADD Office 408 of the Sohongjunglu, Industrial Park District, Soju, Gangso Province, China
(中国 江苏省 苏州市 工业园区 苏虹中路 77号 天裕工业坊 408室中单元)
- TEL +86-512-6287-1190
- FAX +86-512-6292-7052
location check

- Seosan Training Institute
- ADD 527-11 Ho-ri, Palbong-myeon, Seosan-si, Chungcheongnam-do
- TEL 070-4818-6601
location check